Peace in Europe is needed and possible. It is the basis of stability, the goal of security and a precondition for prosperity of countries. On May 9, 1950, the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman came up with a plan to create the European Coal and Steel Community as an offer to defeated Germany and other countries. It was a surprise to many, an illusion or an unrealistic plan to others. Communists attacked Schuman as a traitor of France. But since 1950 this peace community grew into a 27-member European Union with a single market, the Schengen system, and a common currency.
By linking the production and trade of commodities essential for the economy and for waging war, the peaceful interest of the perpetual enemies prevailed. Over 75 years, from Kanzler Bismarck through Kaiser Villiam II. to Reichsführer Hitler they had repeatedly exterminated millions of soldiers and civilians.
Before his death, Schuman – Father of Europe reminded that “we must create Europe not only in the interests of free nations, but also to welcome the nations of the East, who, after being freed from the oppression to which they are subjected, will ask us for acceptance and our moral support”… The first democratic Chancellor of Germany Konrad Adenauer also thought similarly: “A united Europe was the dream of a few, the desire of many and has become a necessity for all.” However, for several reasons, process of forming a peaceful Europe as a whole remains an unfinished reality. The common European house, often spoken of by R. Schuman and later by Soviet President M. Gorbachev, has not been built. We have a bloody, tragic war here again, which was fully launched by the invasion of Russia in February 2022, but its roots are much deeper. For more than 10 years, there is the so-called Second Cold War. Let us remember that three European wars in the XX Century became global ones – the First, the Second and the Cold. The West won the Cold War, but we did not win peace. Ukraine and the collective West are not winning over Russia in the current war. Immense damage and negative long-term consequences are growing every day. Many commentators, experts and politicians describe it as a so-called proxy war between the USA and the RF carried out on the territory of Ukraine.
The principles of the Schuman Plan have not been exhausted. They are like the roots from which the tree or the human community live. Roots – that is not the past, that is the present and the future. Roots are necessity. Calls are voiced from the capitals of Western Europe to increase armaments, to re-arm Europe, to increase defense spending. Indebted states and weakened economies will not get strengthened by this shift. With a policy of deterrence, we may win or at least draw in this Second Cold War, but we will surely not win peace.
It is necessary to treat the causes, not the symptoms of the conflict. 75 years ago, the peace process was initiated by France and Germany as the long-term enemies. Today it is a challenge for the two military-industrial and biggest nuclear powers in our civilizational space. The USA and Russia have been in confrontation for a decade now. After a significant change in foreign and domestic policy in the USA with inauguration of President D. Trump and the Republican majorities in the Senate and House of the Congress, decisions are quick, often surprising or controversial, but strongly focused on ending the war.
Where I see a path to peace? Transformation of relations begins with dialogue. It has started. Continues with mutually beneficial, win-win cooperation and is directed towards a qualitative change in relations – towards a new community of nations. This long-term vision is not about leaders – Trump or Biden, nor about Putin or Zelensky. Leaders are mortal, they come and go. Peace is in the interests of nations that persist and must shoulder the hardships of war and burden of human losses. Countries and borders use to change in wars. But the most valuable are people. The value of a person goes beyond material dimensions. Therefore, it is important to seek the end of fratricidal devastation by seeking a new quality of relations, focused on the dignity of each person, family, nation and community. The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army Oleksandr Syrskyi has parents and a brother living in Moscow. They are Russians. This example speaks painfully.
The dialogue between the USA and Russia should focus on crucial commodities and resources for the conduct of confrontation, conflict and war – on energy, natural resources, information technologies, and protection of intellectual property. The combination of said resources and commodities and related infrastructure into common markets should be offered to other countries as well. Activities of these common markets will boost economic growth and competitiveness of participating countries.
This community will connect Alaska with Kamchatka through Europe and Central Asia. The Northern Hemisphere Community or West-East Community will span over three continents, with Europe in the center. History, close relations and interests speak in favor of a new and decisive action for the global development in the XXI Century. This would create the largest multinational community focused on peaceful cooperation in the world. This would indeed represent a Great Deal for participating nations. It would have a positive impact on the Middle East, Africa and other regions of the world. Such a community would bring unprecedented development to the participating states, economies and regions. It is not against the interests, continuation and better functioning of the EU. Part of such a qualitative change worthy of a more humane XXI Century is also a shared security architecture, which does not exclude a future defense alliance.
This vision of rapprochement and cooperation between the West and the East will take a long and demanding process. It is in line with the image presented by the great Pope St. John Paul II of Europe breathing with both lungs – the Western and the Eastern. Today the West is sick with ethical relativism and new ideologies, and the East is bleeding in fratricidal conflict. This image gives recognition to the Christians spiritual heritage of European continent.
Perhaps such a vision may seem surprising or improbable at this moment, perhaps unacceptable to some. US Secretary of State Dean Acheson wrote about Schuman Plan in his memoirs as “a breathtaking step towards the unification of Western Europe, which he could not even understand at first.” Today, we take the EU for granted…
We need such a breathtaking U-turn in the current situation. Crisis and ongoing tragedy may turn into a historical disaster or into a new beginning for the qualitative change of relations. Within the framework of such a Great Deal, an acceptable solution for peace in Ukraine, for the return of refugees and for the dynamic and successful reconstruction of the destroyed territories will also be found more easily and more quickly.
It is precisely the Central Europe, which have often been in the history the battlefield in wars between powers from the West and from the East. Central European nations remember invasion and occupation, the loss of freedom and independence, but also restoration of freedom democracy, successful transformation and integration into a common Europe. Therefore, Europe should play an active, constructive and creative role for its own better future. The EU needs to become a peace maker and producer, more than a peace fruit and consumer. Creative and constructive efforts for peace must outweigh extensive war efforts. Therefore, we in the West need above all more wisdom and more courage for a reasonable and responsible policy, rather than only more money for ammunition and armaments. We need statesmen and leadership who see the big picture and look into the distance, to the next generations. Concerning future, I recommend neither a cheap optimism, nor a dark pessimism, but first of all we must stay committed. Peace, security and prosperity in our civilizational space is possible and achievable!
First published in this link of The European Times.